Professional Organizing customized for the way you live.

Meet Your Organizer

Your Organization Session Roadmap


Before Your Session

You discuss your organizational challenges and needs by email or phone and Jessica develops a plan of action. This may include purchasing some items beforehand. If so, you will receive an email with product links so you can have them ready.


During Your Session

Jessica will come prepared to organize your space, working in the following five steps: assemble all items together, sort likes with likes, assess what to keep, purge what should go, and organize into homes and zones. She will also provide guidance for donating or consigning items.


After Your Session

You will receive a recap email with (as needed) a list of To Do’s and links to products mentioned during your session. While we
work quickly, some projects may take more than one session. You can schedule a follow up to continue your path to organizational success.

What People Say

Jessica does far more than come to your house and tidy up your junk. She TEACHES YOU–if you want–how to maintain your new and improved spaces and how to apply the underlying principles of organization to other spaces, as well.

Angie M

New Jersey

Ready to ignite your organization revolution?

There has never been a better time than right now. Dive into your decluttering journey with Become Organized today.